Take the ShadeFX Guided Tour

We work hard to put all the information you need about ShadeFX on the website, like how to buy it, install it, and most importantly, enjoy it. However, we noticed that our inquiries still had questions that were answered in the website on our FAQ page, but not found by our visitors in the time spent surfing it.

So we decided to take our visitors on a guided tour instead. To do that we produced a three minute presentation called an ‘impact video’. It clearly describes all the reasons you need ShadeFX, how it fits to a pergola or frame provided by you, and the happiness-ever-after you’ll experience once you have ShadeFX in your life.

It makes it easier to share your discovery of the ultimate outdoor living ‘must have’ with friends as well. So feel free to forward the link to friends, family, or your contractor so they can get what ShadeFX is all about too.